Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Feel the burn...

Oh my heck. That is really the only "acceptable" comment I can think of. It started with that "retarded" skiing adventure I wrote about a few weeks ago. Well it's not looking much better! I went skiing again, you know we have to get our money's worth out of the ski boots we bought for me... Explanation: We couldn't find rental boots that would fit my "over sized" calves for the last adventure so Gary purchased a pair on clearance for $149.00 he couldn't stand the idea of me sitting on the sidelines while everyone else was having fun. (Finding a pair that adjusted to fit my calves was just short of miraculous!) Any how, Randy had a dental appointment so we planed to stay overnight and go skiing again. I went straight to the bunny hill (where I belong) and I was doing great, so I ask the lift operator if there were another bunny run that was a little longer, Of course there was! Silly me, all that money for a lift pass they must have more than one spot to send a 7 year beginning expert! Well, I went up to the lodge, had me a sandwich and some water then off I went to the "Majestic" chairlift. The whole ride up I watched as snowboarders came down jumping off rails that were sticking up out of the ground, running up walls protruding from the snow and flying down at sound breaking speeds, all the while thinking this doesn't look very bunny like! So, I got off the chair at the top and again ask the lift operator where the bunny hill was... "oh just stay to your right here then left there then right at this spot" and on he went... It must have been the horror in my eyes that impressed him to give me a trail map, (or perhaps it was him thinking to cover his heinie in the event of a law suit!) I finally resolved there were really only two choices both involved gravity... I was going downhill one way or another! It started off fine, then came the first "stay to the right" which was like getting on a tricycle to cross the interstate! All those people I had watched flying down, there they were... and my job, privelage, chore, no... pleasure was to make my way across the speeding traffic traveling down the dead mans suicide run! To be fair, they probably dont call it that, but they just as well as far as I'm concerned! I stopped and took a rest, then off again, and when I came back around to the same traffic again it occured to me that the transition from beginner to intermediat was probably the accidental turn one takes down "death row" and it is sheer survival that keeps you going! I belive I stopped at each intersection, took a rest and reviewed my survival map. I called it a day when the leggs were getting wabbly... and had not yet fallen "yea for me".
The real story...
Last night my adorable husband ask me to set an alarm, unusual but not a problem, that is until it went off this morning! He ask me to get up and get ready, "were going to the gym" ha, I could hardly stand up from yesterdays skiing"excercise" ... but knowing this man who I have been married to for 26 years 2 months and 14 day's I didnt bother waisting what little energy I had on arguement, so I got up dressed and out the door... and OH MY HECK did anyone else know that when you push the "start" button on a tredmill that it doesnt give you any warning?
it just goes!


  1. The treadmill and I are NOT friends. But I'm glad you went skiing again! And YAY for not falling!!

  2. So which place did you ski at? Congratulations on getting back in one piece! I also have extra trouble finding foot gear that will fit my feet AND my calves. I think it's because my brain says that HEALTHY calves are heavy, just like their mommas. I have the 16th off, so plan to go north while I can.
    See Ya

  3. LOL You are so funny. I had a similar experience when my darling boys took me to the top of the mountain at Snowbird to go on the "bunny run". Unfortunately for me, I DID fall down several times (perhaps it counts for only once starting at the top and ending at the bottom of the run). I was spectacular!

    Glad your hubby is getting you in shape. Congratulations.

  4. This year we have been favoring Solitude and Brighton. Nice resorts, good mix of run's.
