Sunday, February 15, 2009

I to would like to share my testimony of nothingness.

Oh I have to admit it... the title got my immediate attention, and my imagination came to an alert level that rivals the military launch codes. The pictures in my mind of Sunday's past with a child getting loose, Gary and I sinking on our bench to hide from the unavoidable laughter of the audience and who knows what coming from the mouth of our child. Beckie's children? Aunt Cathy and Uncle Stinky we love them to death, there adorable! We revel in the known fact that they are in the funnest of regards like our boy's! Oh the anticipation, the audience, the parents the testimony and there it was... Nothing. It just sat there in a poetic paragraph creating itself yet again in a whole new light... Nothing. And now? you might be asking yourself what on earth led you to MY blog? Duhh... My testimony... I to have the same problem as Beckie, night after night, I will be passing by the computer that sits ignored unused taunting and begging for attention and I fall for it every time! I will say to myself oh perhaps I could check my blog, maybe someone has added something, or perhaps even read one of mine and hallelujah the coveted "comment" oh oh and maybe even one that I could reply to! I have nothing of my own to say that anyone is going to jump up and say "oh my life is so changed for reading your blog" there is nothing of "great importance" to share, and my life... ha ha ha... yep "booring". Nothing like you would expect from my past raising my "wonderful well behaved interesting uneventful" boy's. The truth of it is I more often than not have "nothing" really to say.
P.S. Danny proposed to Kasie Morgan and she said YES... we have a wedding in our future! Yea!


  1. LOL! Aunt Cathy I'm so happy to hear my nothingness has inspired your nothingness to the point where you feel the need to blog about your nothingness! Your children were in no way uneventful, who you kidding? I love that lil' Danny boy is getting married but so sad to hear you're being kicked to the curb and your advice is now worth nothing...two knees was definitely better than one! We still love you keep your chin up lady. By the way my name is Becky NOT Beckie and you call yourself my aunt! tsk! tsk!

  2. HAHA Aunt Cathy! Whatever, I still love reading your stuff, "nothingness" or no. :p Besides, my blog also is full of nothing, too!

  3. Just a different kind of nothing. ;)

  4. And sometimes, Aunt Cathy, the "nothingness" is EXACTLY what some of us need to hear (or read in this case). That life is normal all the way around, and that there's nothing "bad" to report. Boring, ol' everyday life ... that's why we're here. :)

  5. WOW he isnt old enough. Ok well he is but he will always be little Danny. Let him know I said Congrats!!!!
