Monday, February 16, 2009


Oh the shame of it all. How do you say "I'm sorry" for something so important!? I for years have let the stupid little "E" at the end of Catherin "-e" bother me, usually not enough to say something to strangers but always willing to point it out to the In-laws (Who by the way Gary tells it has an "e" just to irritate me). And here I am, Beck"y"... Beck"ie". I probably have spelled it correctly Beck"y"'s whole life and now I have a friend Beck"ie" who spells it Beck"ie" and I get all screwed up! But then again, can I blame it on my education? What was the rule? "I" before "E" except after "C". I don't remember anything about a K, and the except for "Y" something something. Oh boogers... I refuse to blame it on "there are just to many to keep track of" so the bottom line I am Sorry! Please.... forgive! And if there is anyone else who I tend to Miss spell.... Let me know so I can correct myself. (And please accept this as my apology to you as well!)


  1. HAHAHA that is funny no one knows how to spell it I blame it all on my mom so dont worry.

  2. I blame it on the fact that I can't spell but I'm starting to blame it on the parents who have to be creative and different. That's what they get for deviating from the norm.

    P.s I don't get affended when my name is spelt or pronounced wrong. But I do become vengeful when I'm subbing and those bratty kids call me Mrs. Winkle. I say, "can't you read, there's no 'n' in my name." That makes them feel pretty stupid and they should cause they're just trying to be little stinkers. It's terrible I know but it's sweet justice too.
