Thursday, February 19, 2009

Kids are such boogers!

Well, maybe not all of them, but mine sure seem to be! So, "The Grandma in waiting"... As you all know from reading "anything" of mine, that Jen is pregnant again, the due date 7 July. Well, not any more! She went for the ultra sound, they cut off the pictures that showed the baby's sex, and the Dr. "drastically" changed the due date. So one might be asking when it is? Me to! The booger's are "selling" the new information with sworn secrecy! and I have no money to be "waisting" on the purchase of "family secrets". I think there is flat out espionage happening in my family! One should think this would be on the nightly news... "Boogers or espionage... you decide".(They also made mention of "is it one baby or two", but I scanned the pictures carefully and there was no a, b, or 1, 2 that you see with multiple's so I'm not buying it).


  1. HAHA, I'm amazed when people can keep secrets like that... I'm not a secret person at all! If anything, I end up blabbing to too many people.

    As for the bribery, well... they can't keep it a secret forever! That baby has to come out *sometime*!

  2. LOL! I didn't want to know with Lexi. That's why her name is unisex! :P

    Good luck with the espionage game! It'll work out in *someone's* favor, you can be sure of that! :)

  3. So... have you found out yet?????

  4. Funny thing, Cathy told us over a week ago when having dinner at grandpas.

    Grandpa informed us two days ago that he just learned that Jen and Mike were having a ________:) Yep that says it all... Sometimers has set in. He remembered the gender, just not the date or the audience when he learned the facts.

    Love you Cathy even if you're a tease.
