Monday, January 26, 2009

Sleep deprived

Ever wonder what it is that has me and so many others up at this glorious hour of 2:30am? I was sitting on the couch watching a movie, could not keep my eyes open so I went to bed... Lay awake long enough that I got back up, put the movie back in and yep sleep... If only my back could handle being on the couch all night, then I maybe I would get some sleep!


  1. Ugh, we should have a club! A "We are EXHAUSTED" club.

  2. Just talked with Brian. They are able to get Spencer to bed when his eyes are half racoon in the mirror. They're working on getting a lower percent now. Les and I just count how many times we meet through the night. Only thing I know that can make me go to sleep faster than being in a position I can't sleep in is to start driving. ARRRRG!
    Good luck
